pandas are a girl's best friend.
  hubba bubba
meet allen:

this is the new dude i'm seeing. we're not boyfriend/girlfriend. we're not seeing other people. we're just... together.

a question i get a lot is, "how do you know allen?" i can't think of a better answer to this question than the truth. the truth is, i met him on the plane ride to hawaii. :)

in november, i had a hectic traveling schedule with flying to colorado for work, getting back to nj on a friday at 4am, and then leaving for hawaii from nj that same friday a few hours later. needless to say, i wasn't able to sleep before my flight to hawaii. fortunately, my flight was delayed 45 minutes, so i decided to catch a few z's in the busy airport terminal before boarding. when i woke up from my short nap, the busy airport terminal was completely empty, and the door to my plane was being shut by the continental airlines representative. i ran to the door and yelled, "wait, i'm supposed to be on that flight!" the representative asked, "are you marlo?" i guiltily shook my head yes, waited for her to reopen the door, and rushed to my seat in a cold sweat.

there he stood, looking puzzled as if he heard that the flight was completely booked, but there was still an open seat next to him on this 11 hour flight. with red cheeks, i sat in the empty seat next to him, slipped my bag under the seat in front of me, fastened my seatbelt and gave the world a great sigh of relief. how horrible would it be if i missed my flight for a family vacation in hawaii? it would have been even worse if i didn't get a chance to meet allen, who now calls me his hubba bubba.

allen saved me from a psychotic relationship. i was seeing a boy named jeff at the time i met allen. jeff was a boy who walked into my life when i wanted a serious relationship, although i argue now that i just wasn't ready for one. we became too serious, too fast without getting the chance to really get to know each other. allen reminded me that no one should ever settle, and that i was settling for jeff because he was there and liked me a whole lot. dating jeff made me feel like a rockstar dating her biggest fan.

the best part about allen is that he makes me laugh and that we have similar senses of humor. he's well rounded, cultured, open minded and ridiculously smart. it's also been about 2 months of knowing him, and i'm not even sick of him yet. he's definitely a keeper.
  hi, my name is marlo.
welcome beautiful friends-with-links, random stopper-byers and marlo stalkers!

to friends and stalkers, here's a new place for my random thoughts, pictures and vague storylines. and remember, don't give your blog addresses to boyfriends (or soon to be ex-boyfriends). ;)

but for all you strangers, marlo is my name, and this is another blog that i've started because i wanted to either 1) run away from something, or 2) start over again. i have a past, i live in the now, and if things go my way, i'll have a future. i guess i'll also give you a short list of my likes and dislikes while we're doing introductions.

pictures of unsuspecting people, hearing a song that makes you stop whatever you're doing, changing the subject, leaving my comfort zone.

doctors who just want money out of you, fake smiles, dying plants, sticker residue.

My Photo
Location: United States

1200 characters is not enough to describe someone.

what you've missed:
January 2007 / February 2007 / March 2007 / April 2007 / May 2007 / July 2007 / September 2007 / October 2007 / January 2008 / February 2008 / March 2008 / May 2008 /

things i'm obsessed with:
lil steve.
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